Tuesday, November 3, 2009

When Life hands you Lemons....

Ok... this is turning into therapy for me to write on my blog. I seem to do it only when I need to vent. I will try to keep this positive.
As I struggle to get things done in my house, I am constantly becoming frustrated with the lack of progress, help, and continual interruptions! Some days I think it would be easier just to light a match and start all over! (Ok.. ok.. not so positive... changing my course!)
I have prayed to find answers to the biggest problems and I have discovered that I need to just lighten my own load by paying someone to do what others are not able or capable of. I'm calling a plumber, glass shop, and a/c place today! Then, I am making myself spend one hour every evening straightening SOMETHING! So far, so good.
So... stay tuned... exciting things are coming!!!